Tis the Holi-day season. The solstice is here, the turning into the light, once again. May I substitute the word LIFE for LIGHT for a moment. How does that sit with you? Turning into LIFE? That’s what we are all about, in The Coming Home Project, coming back to LIFE, learning to play the LIFE game, and learning to play it in a new way – as partnership. I believe that is what the Earth has been waiting for – a partner. There are things we can do together that we can’t do alone, that neither of us can do alone. The kicker is that to partner, we have to both be on the same page – we BOTH have to be committed to LIFE over everything else! Nature is, she does nothing that is not furthering LIFE. When will we be able to say the same? I know that life is frustrating, confusing, and even scary. I also know that as a person of good will, you want to DO something. We think that something has to be grand or big or notable in some way, but it doesn’t. What it DOES have to be is enlivening. It HAS to be something that furthers life on this planet. Life is not just existence, but it is joie de ve, the joy of life. Whatever we do has to further joie de ve!!! For ourselves and for others. I even question if we can find and experience joie de ve by ourselves. Often, when I have that experience I have it in nature with everyone else, all of the other living things that are experiencing that too. That is why we love nature so, their joy reminds us, and refreshes us to that experience, something we forget in the ‘rat race’ we have come to call life – but which isn’t. In this time, we are called, IMHO (in my humble opinion), to hold the pain AND the joy together. I believe that the joy will only be a large as the pain is. Our capacity is stretched by our experiencing both, by our willingness to hold both, to feel both. As I say this, I am also cognitive of the fact that none of us can live so intense a life to experience either of these emotions all the time. So, yes, there are times for difference and even for peace and harmony, but that is not the same as blocking them out. We need to shift all our being and all our actions to only those that are meaningful, in this way. So that our life, our whole life is dedicated to bringing forth joie de ve in every way that we can. There is not enough time to wait until …. This is NOT the time to put things off. WE are needed and We are needed NOW. We can’t do this alone, in fact, the whole purpose of doing this, of finding and expressing joy, is to learn that we can only have that experience in community, with others. That means that we must find others who understand the urgency and problem (separation from life) in the same way we do and together figure out how, together, all of us can live our life in ways that bring life - joie de ve, to all the other living things around us. Join us in The Coming Home Project, listen to our podcast, Awakening to Gaia’s Voice, catch our weekly videos on Facebook – you are NOT alone!
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Kathryn Alexander, MARegenerative approaches require a deep integration with nature. Collaboration requires different structures and ways of working together. If we want different results we have to do things differently! Living regeneratively - living with nature brings forth our spiritual capacities as we act so all life thrives. Categories
January 2025