Leading people To think differently and help them help their friends think differently too,
conscious evolution is the only game in town
Regenerative Coaching
Leading with regeneration in mind is a bit different. The shared vision between a leader, their coach and their organization can spur creativity and discovery in ways that other kinds of leadership can rarely achieve.
Many are familiar with sustainability. People and businesses struggled to reduce their waste and energy use, yet few achieved real results. NOW with the United Nations giving us just 8 years to mitigate the worst impacts of global warming, we have no time to lose - sustainability doesn't cut it anymore.
Regeneration - ensuring that the planet thrives, has become a must-do! We need to embed our selves and our entire lives into nature. The big question is how to do that. There is no easy one size fits all answer. There is no seven-step plan, no template to tell us what to do, however the Resilient Values Set™ offers 16 values/principles that will allow leaders to more deeply understand how nature works and then align decision-making and lifestyle to mimic nature.
For centuries, life has served us - now we must serve LIFE!
Many are familiar with sustainability. People and businesses struggled to reduce their waste and energy use, yet few achieved real results. NOW with the United Nations giving us just 8 years to mitigate the worst impacts of global warming, we have no time to lose - sustainability doesn't cut it anymore.
Regeneration - ensuring that the planet thrives, has become a must-do! We need to embed our selves and our entire lives into nature. The big question is how to do that. There is no easy one size fits all answer. There is no seven-step plan, no template to tell us what to do, however the Resilient Values Set™ offers 16 values/principles that will allow leaders to more deeply understand how nature works and then align decision-making and lifestyle to mimic nature.
For centuries, life has served us - now we must serve LIFE!
Coaching with a Spiritual Bent
For Regenerative Leaders, life must have meaning and purpose, spirituality provides these. A deep understanding of LIFE can open up insights that lead to a deeper spiritual understanding of LIFE and our role in it. As a Unitarian Universalist lay community minister, I work with people to learn from nature in a deep and often profound way. LIFE, as expressed in the Resilient Values Set.™ The skill to discern between separation language and connected language, the sensitivity to recognize when LIFE is supported and enhanced versus denied or disregarded allows for true regenerative thriving to happen. When LIFE is championed, then we all win.
The Prime Directive, is key: All actions create the conditions that support life.
The Prime Directive, is key: All actions create the conditions that support life.
What they are saying
Kathryn has used her training & intuition, with my self-evaluation results, to walk me through my shifting priorities. As I changed employers, we worked on my communication style, discussed specific situations & events with the intention of healthy & constructive communication. Kathryn has raised my awareness of my “filters;” I am now working on challenging those filters. Each session with Kathryn is stimulating! I always come away with a tool or two in support of my progress, & a gentle reminder to keep going!
~ Cynthia M. Wieme, MBA, CCE, MICM, ICCE
Nutrien Manager, Retail Collections
~ Cynthia M. Wieme, MBA, CCE, MICM, ICCE
Nutrien Manager, Retail Collections